Website Privacy Policy

Take My Power Back is sensitive to protecting the privacy of our website visitors. The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to let you know how Take My Power Back handles information received from you through this website, as well as inform you of the risks involved when you communicate or provide information by way of the Internet. Keep in mind that changes are periodically made to this Privacy Statement without notice and it is your responsibility to review the Statement when you use this website. By continuing to use this site, you consent to any changes to our policy or terms of use.During your visit to Take My Power Back’s website, remember that the medical and health information presented here is intended to be general in nature, and should not be viewed as a substitute for professional advice. Please consult with a health care professional for all matters relating to personal medical and health care issues.

Health And Medical Information

Certain health and medical information about you is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and applicable state law. This information may be provided by you online or offline, or may be collected by us from other methods such as through a health care provider. Take My Power Back protects covered health and medical information as required by HIPAA and applicable state law. Similarly, Take My Power Back may use covered health and medical information as permitted by HIPAA and applicable state law.


No transmission of data over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. Take My Power Back will, however, use a number of physical security methods (such as locks and alarm systems); electronic security methods (passwords and encryption methods); and procedural methods (rules regarding the handling and use of information) to protect the security and integrity of information submitted through this Website.

Information Collection And Storage

Personally Identifiable Information: Take My Power Back does not collect information that personally identifies you unless you choose to provide it to Take My Power Back (for example, Web pages that allow you to make an appointment, request a prescription refill, order products or send an e-mail message). The personal information you submit is shared only with those people at Take My Power Back who need this information to respond to your question or request, and as otherwise permitted by law to allow Take My Power Back to operate our business or to comply with applicable laws.As used in this Privacy Statement, personal information does not include information protected under HIPAA or applicable state laws, which is protected as described in the section “Health and Medical Information” above.Non-Personally Identifiable Information: Take My Power Back collects information that does not personally identify you for various purposes (for example, website usage, traffic patterns, site performance and related statistics based on your visits to our website). Take My Power Back collects some of this information using persistent “cookies” to recognize a repeat visitor and gather general information about how the site is viewed. Take My Power Back also collects and logs the IP address of each visitor to gather aggregate data on visitors to our site. Keep in mind that neither cookies nor IP addresses are used to collect any personal information from you.


Most email does not provide a completely secure and confidential means of communication. It is possible that your email could be viewed inappropriately by another Internet user. If you choose to provide us with your email, any misaddressing may result in others intercepting, altering, forwarding or using the information without authorization. If you wish to keep your information completely private, you should not use email.At times, a representative from Take My Power Back’s website may wish to deliver information to you via email. Please note, Take My Power Back does not sell, trade, or otherwise share our email lists with others. You may remove your name from any list you have registered for using our website’s established method.If you receive email at work, your employer may have the right to save and read your email; similarly, your Internet service provider may have the right to save and read your email.If you share your email account, others may view your emails. Email can be used unknowingly to spread computer viruses.

Links To Other Websites

Take My Power Back’s website may contain links to other websites that are not managed or controlled by Take My Power Back. These links are provided for your convenience only. Take My Power Back does not review, endorse or take responsibility for the content of these other websites. Take My Power Back bears no responsibility for the content in any linked websites–whether Take My Power Back provides a link or a third party links to Take My Power Back’s website. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to Take My Power Back’s website, you do this entirely at your own risk. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that the third party you link to for your use is free of computer viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature. If you choose to access such sites, you are subject to the privacy policies of those sites.If you transmit or provide data to Take My Power Back, it is confidentialTake My Power Back does not sell or publish peoples’ personal information and financial information collected via any of Take My Power Back’s websites.

Information From Children

Take My Power Back’s website is not intended to attract or collect information from children under the age of 13, unless they receive verifiable parental consent. If you think Take My Power Back has collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 through this website, please contact Take My Power Back immediately.

Printing Or Downloading Information

Unless otherwise stated, you may print or download information from Take My Power Back’s website for personal, noncommercial use only. You must, however, identify the source of the material and include a statement that the materials are protected by copyright law.

Terms Of Service

By using the Take My Power Back website, you agree to the terms listed here. Therefore, please read these Terms of Use before using Take My Power Back’s website. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please exit the site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify these terms at any time by posting updated terms of use on the Take My Power Back’s website. Any modifications to these terms shall be effective immediately upon posting of updated Terms of Use. Your continued use of the site following the posting of updated terms of use will mean that you agree to the modified Terms of Use.

Although Take My Power Back undertakes reasonable efforts to keep the information contained on this site accurate, Take My Power Back does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained on the site.

In no event shall Take My Power Back be liable to for any decision made or action taken in reliance on such information. The above warranties are the only warranties of any kind either expressed or implied including warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

The material and content contained in this website is for general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users of this website should not rely exclusively on information provided in this website for their own health needs. All specific medical questions should be presented to your own healthcare provider.

Take My Power Back makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information contained or referenced in this website. Take My Power Back does not assume any risk for your use of this website. Users of this website should be aware that information about healthcare changes constantly; since this website is only updated periodically, it may not contain the most recent information.

Take My Power Back reserves the right to update or change information contained in this website at any time. Take My Power Back is not responsible for information appearing at hyperlinks. The use of this website does not create a physician-patient relationship and does not obligate Take My Power Back to follow up with or contact users of this website.

In consideration for your use of and access to this website, you agree that in no event will Take My Power Back or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering this website or any site linked to this website, be liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any decision made or action or non-action taken by you in reliance upon the information provided through this website.

Take My Power Back hereby grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide right to use the site solely for your own personal purposes, subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, and not for any commercial or business purpose.

All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by Take My Power Back. Take My Power Back agrees to provide you with the site subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service.

By using this website you agree not to (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the site in any way; (ii) create internet “links” to the site on any other server or wireless or Internet-based device, or (iii) reverse engineer or access the site in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the site, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the site.

Take My Power Back alone (and its licensors, where applicable) shall own all right, title and interest in and to the website. These Terms of Service are not a sale and does not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the site except for the rights expressly granted to the you pursuant to these Terms of Service.

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© 2024 Take My Power Back Initiative