PureBiotic™ 60 vcaps
We are very pleased to inform you we have produced a truly superior PureBiotic™ formula:
Natural Full Spectrum Probiotic Blend Featuring 15 Probiotic Species Blended to Attain +28 Billion CFU per Serving
Probiotics help calm and balance healthy immune functions.81,82 Yet in other appropriate situations, probiotics may promote activation of healthy first tier immune cells (macrophages).83 In essence, probiotics support superior immunoregulation important for well-rounded immune performance.84
Our new advanced PureBiotic™ formula optimally promotes superior immune system functions while facilitating better digestive functions than ever before. It remains the ideal choice for individuals with poor B-vitamin status, or for those production who recently have undergone antibiotic therapy. Our new formula maximally supports healthy gut microbe growth and prevalance plus excellent bowel elimination.*
Our New Specific Formula Advantages Now Includes 5 different Bifidobacterium:
In general, Bifidobacteria are among the best colonizers of the human gut, especially with continued supplementation.1,2 For perspective, Bifidobacteria are considered by some scholars to be more important to human gut health than contributions made by the Lactobacillus group.3 In breast-feeding infants, nearly 100% of probiotics colonizing the gut are Bifidobacteria, and climb to between 1010 to 1011 CFU/gram of the breast-fed infants’ feces.4 Several of their pan-functions are to digest carbohydrates, manufacture B-complex vitamins, support a healthy gut microbiome and promote a mature immune system.5 By adulthood, Bifidobacteria will comprise only 5% to 10% of the total gut microbiota.*6
Among the more prevalent Bifidobacterium residing in the human gut, from infancy into adulthood, are:*
Bifidobacterium bifidum,
B. breve,
B. longum,
B. animalis lactis and
B. lactis.
1. Bifidobacterium bifidum – This specie has been extensively studied and has excellent ability to colonize the gut. Studies show it was among the top in persisting in the feces after over 3 weeks from when supplementation had ceased. *7
2. B. breve - is also known to be immediately taken up and colonize the gut of new born infants.*8
3. B. longum – As mentioned above, studies reveal that B. longum is one specie that is persistent in the gut into adulthood. It is considered to be the most prevalent in the human gut of all the Bifidobacteria.9 The specie possesses remarkable immune modulating effects throughout the life of the host. B. longum has good ability to colonize in the gut after supplementation has ceased.*10
4. B. animalis lactis (VK2) – A study in combinations of select probiotics have shown that B. animalis lactis, when combined with L. acidophilus, promotes healthy gut microbe growth.*11
5. B. lactis (BI-04) – This bacteria has an unusually high tolerance exposures to both high concentrations of oxygen and acid, leaving it very desirable to ferment milk products. B. lactis is most prevalent in human infants.*12
Into adulthood, Bifidobacteria continue to promote a long list of health benefits, but decline in overall numbers by at least one order of magnitude. On the other hand, Lactobacillus colonization escalates and will attain approximately 107 CFU/gram of feces.13 Both genus do not promote any kind of deleterious effects on the human being.*
However, both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus are greatly outnumbered by a variety of other not-so-friendly (opportunistic or pathogenic) gut microbes by approximately 8 to 1. Overall the gut will contain from 100 to 400 Trillion microbes, or about 10X to 40X the number of total human cells in the body. So, the main job of both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus is to help reign-in rogue microbial actions which might otherwise turn against regions of human tissues.*
Our New PureBiotic™ formula has 8 of the more studied Lactobacillus spp. Among the more common of Lactobacilli found in the human gut when consuming healthy diets are:*
Lactobacillus acidophilus
L. helveticus
L. plantarum
L. lactis
L. rhamnosus
L. salivarius
L. casei
L. bulgaricus
L. brevis
6. Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-14) – has the ability to temporarily populate deeply into the human gut. Interestingly, when it does so, the numbers of Lactobacilli in the gut soar after only 7 days of supplementation, but returns to their prior levels after 9 days after L. acidophilus supplementation is stopped. Therefore, this implies that to keep the numbers of lactobacilli up to optimal, L. acidophilus should be taken regularly with other lactobacilli.*14
7. L. helveticus – the specie is renown for impacting the immune system in a multifunctional capacity in that both a variety of healthy bacteriocins as well as a fleet of bioactive peptides are secreted in abundance. In general, L. helveticus colonizes the human gut adequately to perform a plethora of health benefits.*15
8. L. plantarum (LP-115) – is a specie well known to be able to pass through the upper intestinal tract to freely colonize the human gut. Several researchers have pointed out the L. plantarum acts similar to a living vaccine, providing ongoing immune modulation when and as needed.*16
9. L. rhamnosus (LR-32) – is an excellent species to promote healthy modulation in hyperimmune state. For example, L. rhamnosus is known to promote balance to healthy T-cell immune states. More specifically, L. rhamnosus modulates the pre-cursor dentritic cells (DCs), which in turn supports healthy T-cell populations and functions.*17
10. L. salivarius (LS-33) – this species is among the most populated in the human oral cavity. It protects dental integrity and promotes healthy oral immunity.*18